A Search for Immortality Elixir

Disease of a humanity have long transferred to ones stomach and bones, hence, the treatment is extremely complicated. If a illness came into the body like a nail then it is possible to “pull it out” or to get rid of it. If it penetrated like a screw, then screwing and unscrewing is needed. However that is not enough.

It is necessary to free oneself from stagnant water that is the condition of rotting in the organism. It is necessary to drink correct drinks and liquids. Destruction of a human (at least on spirit level) can be stopped by consumption of correct liquids and drinks. They are capable of extinguishing hunger and to suppress the addiction from the temperature regime where everything alive decays and is destroyed, and development of low (temporary, mortal) frequency energies happens. In addition correct liquids and spirits have an ability to protect blood from addiction to space and as a consequence, from internal organs.

It is spirit that leads the human consciousness to an understanding of death. Lowering the frequencies and destroying own spirit human started to think about death. The process of dying by Mesoamerica (up to XV century) was perceived as a transition to another world and not as a ending of personal existence. Their consciousness did not fixate or perceived death as an ending. The same thing is seen with Celts, Etruscans and many other peoples.

Particularly destruction of spirit during lifetime due to different circumstances became a condition of understanding and fixation of some ending, completion, impossibility of moving forward, when a process of self-destruction is switched on. Death started to correspond to emotion of fear. Human started to be afraid in a unconscious attempt of preserving oneself. So here we observe not so much a need to live (its is necessary to also know how to live) , but a wish to not be in a state of destruction that doesn’t allow the spirit to exist and perfect itself in the future.

Besides the other, destruction of the spirit leads to weakening of the human nature itself. If a human does not have strength, then, actually, we can’t even talk about any life. A collection of bones and muscles is not enough to define it as something alive. A body that lost its strength is already not a body or not that same body. During an epoch of inevitability a human lives to die, that is inevitable as a result of fair punishment for deceiving own self.

Human is already not in confrontation with death as he became it’s cause. He is already not scared of any repentance or karma of actions, as in reality the one who should be repenting does not exist, and the one who is able to understand or just fixate own actions is not there neither. So today we have a human as a phenomenon, and not as a masterpiece.

In this state search for the immortality elixir for majority won’t move the boarder of understanding even for a millimeter. However, regardless of all this, a unique ability of reanimation, revival of “walking corpses” remains, that should bring delighted excitement to those who understand.

Its enough for a human to take ambrosia, elixirs, minerals and one will be able to get proof of at least other qualities of experiences. However, the most important thing — one will be able to gain strength again. Strength is already a support, proof, but most importantly an opportunity.

An opportunity is a search, and a search — experience. It’s impossible to correspond without experience as that is discipline. Only discipline is capable of teaching a human what and how to correctly eat. Only discipline will teach to eat drinks and liquids, to consume taste and move away from volume.

Great cure is that which nourishes and supports the brain. In fact the brain can only be nourished by absolute energy. Therefore, having learnt to consume perfect energy we get true consciousness. And only having a true consciousness, we can control internal processes, reducing them to single laws and principals, leaving no space for chaos.


27 november 2011

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