Concentration is one of the most important topics related to human development. Only those who have mastered concentration can progress in their practice since thus they have gained access to the concept of measure. The highest knowledge accessible to Man is the knowledge of concentration because this is the effort with the highest frequency controllable by Man. This effort helps him to understand not only his own nature but also the nature of super-consciousness.
A lot of people who have already attained the highest abilities don’t ever achieve the nature of concentration since they have relied on super-conscious efforts without achieving them. The path to concentration is very complex because it requires that you go gradually through the processes of balancing, synchronizing your body, energy and mind and finally - the process of structuring your brain, which in fact creates the opportunity for achieving concentration.
Wе often use the word concentration yet our mind is very far from the true conditions and opportunities for achieving this concentration! In the best case scenario we possess a certain algorhythm of focus, which is determined by our very nature. However even if nature has endowed us with such an ability, we are talking here about certain super-conscious indicators that help tune our brain. In other words we get something that we do don’t understand.
Concentration development principles
- Principle of filling
- Principle of synchronization
- Principle of focusing
- Principle of structuring
- Principle of tonality
The principle of filling
Filling is related to the ability or inability to fill the right and the left hemisphere. We are therefore referring to prenatal and postnatal experience, which is either inborn or developed, and which determines our brain activity.
While Man lives in dependence of his left or right hemisphere, his brain functions only on the level of the emotional function. It’s not centered, which means that it’s unstable. Thся instability of the brain is related to an aberration that can be easily fixed if it doesn’t start to grow.
For example contemporary people overfill their left hemispheres with information. Without the ability to center the mind, Man is incapable of operating with this information, i.e. he cannot transform it into knowledge, which is why information has become an element that nourishes human emotions, in other words information has become a stimulus for the brain.
Naturally, a mind, which is under the influence of a certain stimulus and is incapable of concentration, is not in a position to evaluate this stimulus. Today Man is prepared to believe that emotions are related to certain tactile or olfactory aspects, yet he cannot understand that information has also become an emotion for the brain, since this understanding is not subordinated to knowledge but to information, yet information does not provide true understanding.
Thus Man in fact operates with something he is unable to understand physiologically, since this would require an overall transformation of his brain. What’s interesting here is that this new type of emotion provoked by information is related to the left hemisphere, and it determines Man’s behavioral character, which people treat as the conscious character.
People believe that their mind works yet it simply reacts. In other words Man uses an unbalanced mind and defines the world looking at it through a distorting mirror. Now that Mankind is already used to looking at things through this distorting mirror, it has entered the land of uncontrollable, imperceptible, i.e. actually incomprehensible events, where the very phrase ‘I know’ is the most negative phrase in relation to development. Because Man, who is incapable of knowing, says: ‘I know’. And the reason for all this is the educational system!
In this situation, it doesn’t really matter if Man receives more or less information or if he simply talks rubbish – he needs all this to receive a portion of stimuli. Therefore today this is the most effective way to stimulate the person and therefore to control him.
In the modern world information provokes the human mind toward the stimulus, the reaction, and as a result a number of uncontrollable energy processes are evoked. Such a brain, of course, becomes focused primarily on filling up, on saturating, on receiving quickly short-term energy.
The functioning of such a brain resembles a game of ping-pong. When one person says something, and another person replies, however both the speaker and the replier are totally unfocused on the subject matter, for they rather rely on their brains' responses to the sound or the reply. And, of course, a man who begins to engage in an inner practice, views his classes from the position of this same aspect of filling. His brain determines how this filling should happen, moreover it determines it on the level of reflexes, on the level of the internal regulation, which he has built throughout his unconscious life.
That is, education has become a kind of reflex mode of existence for people, and the ones who actually know the subject are very few. The educational process has been substituted with the incomprehensible formula "for something." First the child is taught "for something", and then it develops this distorted idea, and starts living in a distorted mind. The more information a person is filled with, the greater the imbalance in the conscious effort, where the mind begins to consume the person instead of developing him.
This whole situation turns the learning process into a stalemate. Because even those who understand it, are faced with the inability of the brain to perceive the material correctly, and therefore, an impossibility arises for building such a system of communication that can help bring people from one state to another, because this takes time. Nevertheless people continue to live in their own experience instead of trying to learn something new, since in any case, this new thing would require that they spend a certain short time, even for the simple reason that their brains are not ready to spend on it more time. The only chance is to have an educational or a cultural framework that can do this naturally for the person, or some sort of family tradition.
So the first step in understanding concentration is the weakest, yet the most important and most difficult. Because you must first teach the person to observe correctly and to be attentive. Initially, people have to learn certain things, or sequences, they learn to do things they’ve never done before, things that require more and more attention and observation.
In fact, you need to ask the person to pay attention to the actions he does anyway, but with great care and great observation. As if investing some initial effort in his consciousness, where the observation would be a certain understanding of the inner hygiene of this same mind.
If before taking a shower was for this person a conditional action – going in and then going out – he should now think: "Feel the water, feel the soap, feel your body." Or you can tell him: "How many doors have you opened in your life? Do you feel the handle, do you feel the force of the door, or do you simply open it?".
This is the basic effort of understanding, which is involved in any action. Initially, in fact, the human is as if in a competition with the unconscious and the conscious. Before he has wiped the crumbs off the table because they were crumbs, and now he wipes the crumbs from the table, because he wipes them.
Not surprisingly, the main reason people quote, when they explain why they cannot practice, and cannot develop, is that they don’t have the time, but in reality, the reason lies in their internal foundations and the conditions that force them to distribute their time according to a system for perceiving the world they have already developed.
Therefore, in the process of teaching, the first effort should show people that they’re killing their time, and that by killing time, they are also developing something that lies beyond their control and that will subsequently control them.
If man could carry out a simple observation of where and how he spends his time, then, in theory, he should be horrified of the great number of situations that advance the devastating condition that Man has already developed.
Let us examine an example of a basic action typical for every individual. People go to restaurants, or even worse - they take their children to the restaurant, where the child is distracted by a mass of unnecessary actions, so in order to keep him busy, parents get him a Coca-Cola , for example, and that’s how the child gets used to consuming chemicals. And the individual himself consumes certain products, having no control over the process of cooking or the energy. Today, when the majority of people consume mutated products and chemicals, how can we even talk of benefits, or of conforming to the human beginning?
And, of course, if a person in this situation begins to compare, or at least evaluate (which stems from the attention and observation), this would not bring him joy, because he does not nurtures joy at all.
If a person has not learned to nurture joy, how can he desire it? This process is incremental. The most interesting thing is that joy is the actual human emotion or feeling. From the standpoint of human energy, people do not possess any other feelings and emotions. People possess no other energy that corresponds to the human nature. The rest of the emotions correspond either to the animal or to the superhuman nature.
You can say: "But why? Isn’t it true that we not only have other emotions but we also have organs that produce them!" Yes, indeed, while the person grows and develops physically, he is part of nature, therefore he needs energy that is necessary for the formation of his body. So, roughly speaking, up to the age of 21, the point when the woman's body stops growing, and up to 28 years of age, when the man’s body stops growing, people need these emotions or feelings in order to feed their body. Just do not confuse emotions with feelings. For example, anger is an emotion, and confidence or determination is a feeling, which is necessary for the formation of the body. But when the body is formed, the person, if he is a true person, should live only in joy.
From this point on we can talk about different levels of joy and happiness, which have different conditions and greater or lesser depth, however this is a condition that fills our lives. Here we are talking only about the initial, basic form of evaluation, which is only the first step towards concentration. So when a person in this state begins to evaluate, he is not yet free from most of what has been developed within him, and this leads to various conflicting states within him.
That is, different types of energy start to fight for the consciousness, creating chaos and instability in the body. Society does not offer a way to pass from this state into another state.
Therefore we need to understand how we can move on from this state, where we have already opened our eyes, to the next state, where we can start doing something.
The principle of synchronization
The second step toward understanding concentration is related to orientation: what am I doing and why am I doing it. The second stage is also related to the idea of realizing the tasks. This state fixes the transition from one state to another. This stage already requires the idea of focus. The process is called synchronization and it involves not only understanding certain conditions but also knowing how to work with them or rather how to fix the tasks that we can work on.
Synchronization is when you can already work on your tasks, when you have reached the second process, this process is also basic yet already real. Here the level of the conscious effort grows, i.e. this process is characterized by a balance between the right and the left hemispheres.
The degree to which you’ll manage to work properly and collectedly on this process (which will initially be disrupted by external circumstances) will define the opportunity for the transition to the following step. However the most important thing here is that brain is directed toward the task and can work on it, i.e. it has an orientation.
The principle of focusing
The third process is related to the concept of focusing which differs from the fixing in the following aspect: with focusing you not only maintain the task and depend on it but you also live to a large degree in the laws of the tasks, and not so much in the laws of chaotic existence.
Focusing is a process where you build your every action. Every action involves a task, and you do this action with respect to this task. In other words here we already have the first concentrated effort measured in time.
Focusing helps fix the synchronization of the left and the right hemispheres, i.e. your body is synchronized and you have reached the state of naturalness in your mind. This is already a high-level process, the power of the mind is quite large, there are no more doubts nor things that can divert you from the path of gradual development, i.e. you have reached the position of irreversibility.
From this point on your whole life is no longer divided into left and right, or good and bad, you work only with the necessary, you are like a ball that is rolling and gaining momentum. It is important to understand that the process of achieving focus leads you to a different qualitative state in which you really understand your actions. You understand your karma, if you wish.
You can not think badly of people, it’s atypical for you to cheat and do actions that originate from the lack of understanding or from a deterioration in something. But you should comprehend that this is not simply a psychological condition, it’s a real state of inner satisfaction, and you deserve to have more than temporary external actions or circumstances. In fact, your actions are already defined by the tasks that you’ve set up and you understand why. Even if you buy a car, you understand why you are buying it, and what you see in this. In other words, the question here is not about morals and foundations, but in the non-involvement in the vibrational flow that degrades your mind.
The principle of structuring
Structuring is a stage in the development of concentration directly related to the concept of concentration, which can structure the work of our brain. This process is related to the creation of the Nivan-Gun center in the head. At this point the whole inner scheme of your consciousness, energy and body changes because you get an additional energy source, additional physiological properties that you haven’t had before.
For example, having achieved the highest and best state, you no longer depend on the physical body, since you have passed on to a constant vibration flow of a higher quality. But what is most interesting is that you feel this physically, you don’t feel the weight of your own body, you don’t feel dependent on certain parts of your body, you simply define your relationship with the energy that circulates in the form.
Every move you make in these conditions has an internal aspect, and no physical effort. Of course, this is a gradual process - first you go to 30%, then 40% and so on up until about 60 - 70%, because that’s where a new stage of concentration begins that changes the tasks of the person, transforming him into the perfect man.
The principle of tonality
Tonality is the highest aspect of concentration. It is associated with two concepts: awareness and experience. Whatever you do, you perceive through the prism of structure. For example, if you drink some energy drink, you see the geometry in it, you perceive it from the standpoint of geometry. Or if you are holding your hand up - for you this is not just a hand, you understand the degree of tension, the degree of structuring, i.e. for you this is something more than a general concept, it’s a process of awareness, which really gives an insight into what we do, where do we go why do we go. And it stands above concentration, which is very important.
Well, the most important thing in this scheme is the experience - when you have, in fact, changed your frequency, the vibration, the tone of your body and you experience the highest state that people can reach. This state is accessible to very few, because even those who are at a higher level, often skip this state, going on to the higher one. Yes, there are nine levels after this, but they are not associated with the human quality, and thus are not examined from the perspective of human development.
You might say: Can we just skip right there, eh? For example, why not jump over after the third level? And indeed, many are trying to jump immediately to higher levels. Even from the first level, where they have no understanding of consciousness. But there is one peculiarity here: if you have passed all stages and you have reached the stage of conscious experience, your mind can grasp the three levels of super-conscious experience, and can even control some of them, which you cannot do if you have simply jumped over there. Whoever skips over directly, not having the sufficient power of consciousness to regulate these processes, will depend on the super-vibration, in case, of course, human nature allows him to move over to this stage.
We have thus actually reviewed the processes of formation. And now, when we talk about concentration, you should understand what level of effort we are talking about, and does our effort really correspond to the effort of concentration.
By understanding the conditions of concentration, we understand the method and, most importantly, we have an orientation where to go. The stages are filling, structuring, synchronization, unified body and tonality. To this we add the single center (postnatal condition - the possibility for unifying the body), and the prenatal or reproductive condition (natural geometry), which is associated with the reproductive system.
13 april 2012