Virtual tour in Saint Petersburg – the alchemical capital of Russia

— Elena Berlinskaya

It is hard to argue with the fact that the land on which we live is of many faces and diverse. We can find places that give energy to the people, there are also places of rest, and such of energy stagnation. However, among them there are certain places that are points of transformation.

Russia has many powerful places, associated with a certain energy component, mostly with the filling up. But there isn't more powerful artificially created alchemical laboratory than St. Petersburg, where the ancient knowledge lies, on the one hand, directly on the surface, but on the other hand, it is in such a way hidden behind ordinary symbols, that the understanding and ability to use it is not available to many.

If we look at St. Petersburg during the day, as the tourists usually do, it fascinates how well thought-out and precise are the lines and perspectives, admires with the grace of the palaces, the grandiosity of the architectural ensembles, the solemnity and grandeur of the overflowing Neva river in its granite embankments ... The newcomers rightly believe that they have visited one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

But if you go wandering through the streets of St. Petersburg at night, it's not in front of the eyes, but mostly somewhere deep inside, where appears a totally different image – not less beautiful, but certainly less understandable and harmless. The time seems to change, everything around takes on a mysterious, mystical nuance, as if the ancient mysteries revive.

This atmosphere is very clearly felt by the creative people, possessing an increased susceptibility and sensitivity of the fine world. Hundreds of writers, poets, composers and painters embodied in their works of art the beautiful and terrible look of “Northern Palmyra”. The atmosphere of St. Petersburg, fabulous and surreal, forced them to turn to the side of life, which was hidden from the ordinary perception. In St. Petersburg there is a very strong connection with the super-frequency energy of Heaven – though the land itself is shaky, and the unstable marshy soil does not give power and support.

In St. Petersburg, as if by themselves the questions of life and death stand before Man, also the meaning of being on the planet, and he actually begins to search for answers to these questions, delving deeply into philosophical speculations and mystical practices. The city as if attracts people, who are predisposed to a spiritual quest. Therefore, it is not surprising that exactly with St. Petersburg are linked the fates of many philosophers.

It's certainly in St. Petersburg, where the talents of many spiritual writers were revealed, in fact, one of them was Dostoevsky. He was keenly aware of the mystery and fantastic nature of this place. Here is an excerpt from his memoirs: “I confess to you that St. Petersburg, I do not know why, always seemed a mystery to me. Since early childhood, almost lost and abandoned in St. Petersburg, I was somehow afraid of everything in it”.

The St. Petersburg’s people tend to wonder, why exactly in this place, surely not the most convenient for living, was decided to be built a huge city. Indeed, here the climate is gloomy and damp (only 60 sunny days per year), it's a swamp, the wind is cold and there is a constant threat of flooding. All these conditions are enough in order to place the port in a more promising and fine area. And the most surprising is the transfer of the capital of the country to its very border.

Too many answers, as always, lie on the surface and however they are far from being definite. Let's look at the official coat of arms of Saint Petersburg. The first thing that catches your eye is the similarity and symbolic differences with the state emblem of the Vatican. The space of the city always had the same name as the Vatican - the Holy Land, or the New Paradise. Why? Let's leave the hypothesis for later, but both emblems have a red background. On the Vatican one, (Saint Peter City) there are two crossed keys (which may symbolize the passage into the Kingdom of Heaven), and on St. Petersburg's – two crossed anchors that speaks about a need of effort and most likely about a collective effort for gaining the desired result. However, if the key could be turned by a child, then the anchor would need a whole team to pull it out...

There are also some other similarities and differences, but they are more related to the state (the primacy of the Church or the secular power), and even more to history. However, even if they give certain integrity to the picture, they are not, in fact, directly related to our concrete task to trace the possibility of alchemical transformations in this particular place.

Certainly, it is worth paying attention to the Imperial crown, crowning the coat of arms - the Empire, by and large, not the Kingdom, but a community that is working on the problem ... So, let's remember for now the three starting points: the effort, the mystery and the Holy Land (which is the new Paradise, New Amsterdam, North Venice and North Palmyra, the City of St. Peter - and behind each name – there is a huge stratum of history, symbolism and energy).

And now we'll try (maybe a little hypothetically and approximately, but it is entirely provable) to view the following questions:

  1. Why was it necessary to build a city here?
  2. Who needed it? Who was the initiator?
  3. Who and what was invested? Why?
  4. And then, perhaps, we'll get a little closer to the solution: how exactly we can use all this for our own transformation. Or how does it use us?

Definitely the place for the city was not chosen by chance. If we consider the location of St. Petersburg in terms of geography and history, then we can find some interesting facts. There is one unique meridian on the globe, passing through the pyramids of Giza, the African Rift Valley and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (all of them are quite significant for the history of mankind places).

This meridian is generally followed by land, while others are largely by water. Also, this meridian does not affect the movement of the lithospheric plates. And when in 1884 was discussed the question on the adoption of the zero indicating meridian, a group of prominent scientists chose the line of Greenwich – for political reasons (and only Charles Smith, one of the members of the committee, argued that the zero meridian should be passing through the pyramids of Giza ).

The transfer of the zero meridian to the pyramids of Giza allows to mark an interesting fact: the coordinates of the sacred places on the Earth get some ordering and lie on the longitude, multiple to 10 degrees: Lhasa – 60, Tula in Mexico – 130, Tiwanaku – 100, Canterbury – 30, etc. In fact, a strict geometric design of the places occurs, which is associated with the internal and external alchemy.

Recently, it became clear that this meridian was certainly the zero one and certain projections of ancient maps with accurate images were made in regard to it, such as the green at that time Antarctica. The most famous of them was made by Piri Reis (Haji Muhiddin Piri Ibn Hadji Mehmed) at the beginning of the XVI century according to the original sources from the III-II millennium BC.

As previously mentioned, the African Rift Valley and lakes (the present territory of the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Congo) are situated on the same meridian, from where, according to many reports, started the history of mankind. It also passes through the capital of the Ancient Rus', Kiev.

And it is exactly on this meridian, precisely on the halfway between the pyramids of Giza and the North Pole, where St. Petersburg is located, specifically – the point of Peter and Paul Fortress, the first building of the city. The latitude of the location of the city can also be some key, but that's even less provable for a critical minded person. The fact is that if you put the perfect man of Leonardo da Vinci in the center of the Earth at the pelvic bones of the lotus – so that the top of the head touches the North Pole – St. Petersburg will be exactly on the parallel, the projection of which passes through the center of the head – the Ajna chakra in yoga, Niwan Gong in the Taoist tradition. By the way, Sofia and the entire Balkan parallel will be at the level of the throat (vishudhas or the karmic throat center), and Jerusalem at the heart level.

Part 2

According to geological studies, in the area of St. Petersburg is happening an articulation of large areas of the earth's crust – the East European (Russian) platform and the Baltic Shield, which is accompanied by a zone of deep faults of the soil. According to the collected statistical material, this not always has a positive effect on the health of those who dwell in this place, but it gives extra energy for the enhancement of various energetical and psychological qualities of Man.

From this follows that the territory, on which St. Petersburg is located, is actually a place of power, contributing the alchemical transformations. Here are located the strongest points of transformation, the activation of which leads to the generation of something new on the planet.

But who was the true mastermind of the plan of construction and who were the performers, who owned only a part of the information? What was the power these people-ideologists were connected with? And, more importantly, what were the goals that this power pursued and pursues with the building “by the plan and despite the nature” a city in this land, and as soon as possible making it the capital of a huge country? Probably, the very search for answers to these questions will push to the understanding of a better way to use that power, the fellow travellers of which became the residents of St. Petersburg.

If we talk about when the idea of the construction of St. Petersburg came up, then this most likely happened during the Great Embassy (the journey of Peter I and his entourage to Europe in 1697–1698), after the visit of England and the Netherlands – the stronghold of Freemasonry at that time. At the same time was also scheduled the future Northern War (before the visit of England the look of Peter was always aimed at South and the conquest of the exit to the Black Sea).

The idea of building this town has always been attributed to Peter I, who by virtue of his personal characteristics was either the head of every deal, or the deal just couldn't happen. Indeed, all of the original plans of the city, all the buildings and symbolism were supervised exactly by Peter I, but he was certainly not alone.

The outstanding “ideologist” of the building of the city on the Neva River was a kind of a Russian Merlin, the friend of Peter I – Jacob Bruce, a descendant of the Scottish King Templar Robert the Bruce (1306-1329), who gave shelter in his lands to the Templar order, which they started to chase on the continent. Already in Scotland the Knights Templar merged with the Masonic lodges and actually moved their activities under the shadow of Freemasonry, thereby avoiding prosecution and keeping their knowledge.

So the relationship Egypt-Kabbalah-Templars-Masons-St. Petersburg can be traced quite clearly. There is also another everywhere searching for knowledge group inscribed in this continuity – the Celts, through Scotland and Ireland (the brother of King Robert the Bruce was the King of Ireland). However, the study of this continuity is not the purpose of our excursion, although it is not veiled in Petersburg: just walk, look and absorb.

But let's go back to Jacob Bruce – It's well known that blood meant a lot for the transfer of knowledge according to the Templars, and the name of Jacob Bruce has always been shrouded in a halo of mystery.

The official biography of him sounds like this: together with his brother Roman when 14 years of age, he was invited to the Poteshny Regiment of the future Emperor. After participating in the Azov campaigns of Prince Golitsyn, Bruce moved to the side of Peter I, and together with him suppressed the Streltsy revolt.

It is not clear where and how Jacob received a thorough education, but it is known that his first scientific work was devoted to cartography. He made a map of the lands from Moscow to Asia Minor, which was represented to Peter in 1697. As a result, even then he could have known about the properties of the meridian, on which soon after was located Petersburg. This means that the place for the foundation of the city was chosen not by chance.

Well-known also are the Bruce's works in astronomy, astrology, physics, mathematics, chemistry and medicine. He became a member of the Great Embassy, and stayed longer than any other in England, where he was in close communication with Isaac Newton. This scientist formulated the basic laws of classical mechanics, the theory of light and regardless of Leibniz developed the differential and integral calculus, however he considered alchemy and occultism as the main work of his life. Newton was a Mason, in fact, according to some information was the Grand Master of the Order. Officially, the Grand Master of the Scottish lodge was Christopher Wren (1632-1723), an architect and mathematician, the project's author of the new Cathedral of St. Paul in London – Peter and Jacob Bruce I met with him many times, and he is certainly the one who introduced them to Isaac Newton. It is very likely the possibility that the close cooperation between Newton and Bruce was surely due to magic and, in particular, the creation of a new space for transformation – a new city. It is known that their correspondence lasted until the death of Newton in 1727.

According to the information given by the Russian historian Nikitin, in few of the manuscripts that are being stored in the Public Library of St. Petersburg is said that Tsar Peter I and Jacob Bruce were accepted in the Templars. The secret magical knowledge of the past centuries became available to them both. Subsequently, Jacob Bruce became the Grand Master by himself. Probably, the Templars were interested in the energy of the space, where St. Petersburg was built.

The Northern War began soon after the return of the Great Embassy into Russia. While in England, Bruce studied not only the occult sciences, but also the artillery, in fact, quite successfully. During the course of the Northern War, he was promoted to a field marshal, and the main artillery victories were carried out under his supervision. For example, his troops captured the fortress Nienschanz, which was located on the present territory of St. Petersburg.

After the war, Bruce was a confidant of Peter and travelled a lot abroad in search of various rarities, which were brought to the new capital; he was in charge of printed matter; he issued the first astrological calendar; founded three astronomical observatories and a school of navigation in the Sukharev Tower. It is also rumored that he kept there “black magic” – tracts, containing ancient magical knowledge. His brother Roman Bruce (also a Templar by blood) became the first chief commandant of St. Petersburg. Bruce, despite the uncompromising character of Peter, managed to safely express an opinion, contradictory to the will of the emperor. In particular, he was the only one who did not sign the document for the execution of Tsarevich Alexei.

About the unusual abilities of Bruce the legend says that when he was in a good mood, Bruce used to walk on water and raised the dead, in the middle of a hot day he could freeze the pond and ride on it on skates (although it is believed that for this was used an early prepared ice, which was stored in the cellar), he was also had the ability to fly. However, his family life cannot be called very happy – his two daughters died in infancy then suddenly died his beloved wife, and after her death Jacob Bruce began to lead an ascetic life. The cause of his death in 1735 was, as claimed by contemporaries, a bad magical experience. Among the things of the deceased were described some Indian objects of power, books on clay tablets, and in some papers, identified already in our own time, were found drawings of aircrafts. Bruce was buried in the Lutheran Church in Moscow, his remains were exhumed and transferred to the anthropological laboratory of Mikhail Gerasimov, from where they disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

But let's return to St. Petersburg – Its geometry and idea. The plan of the city was drawn by Peter I, together with the architect Le Blond. A significant feature of the architecture of St. Petersburg is the well thought-out geometry, the regularity of building (rhythm), the proportionality of urban ensembles (proportion), the influence's account of the unpretentious environment (axis), and until then – the harmonious polyphony of different architectural styles.

However, let's begin with the fact that, as something very common for the “Mason-Templars”, in the project were introduced several symbols. The first of them – the Eye of Horus (the Eye in the Triangle, it's the All-seeing eye, it's the Radiant delta), which is the ancient symbol of consciousness. By the way, this symbol is also found in the architecture of two more cities, located in untenable areas but however has become prosperous – this is Amsterdam and New York. The Eye sometimes replaces the inscribed in the triangle circle. It symbolizes the Masonic approach to life – to do something in order to draw the attention of God on you and the particular structure.

In St. Petersburg, this symbol appears twice. The first triangle is formed by the Nevsky and Voznesensky Prospects and Sadova Street, or the Moika River at the base with a circle in the form of a fountain at the Admiralty, inscribed in that triangle. The second triangle with an eye is the favorite place for rest of Peter and his entourage, the island of New Holland. The clear arrangement of the symbols could be seen in aerial photo coverage.



23 august 2012

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