The Reboot

Rebooting in the context of Man’s development refers to the ability to reformat one’s resources. However as opposed to Man’s restoration to a certain functional condition, rebooting is related to reorientation, and reevaluation, a situation where Man’s qualities must be not so much reinforced but rather rectified.

Rebooting in personal development is directed mainly to the passionary type of people who use their natural qualities or education to an insufficient extent or incorrectly.

From the perspective of the conscious principle

Rebooting here is understood above all as perfecting the tuning of the mind with the aim of reinforcing the perception ability and strengthening the conscious effort by centering it. Centering the mind helps reinforce the perception not only of the verbal thought processes but also of the non-verbal ones, which depend above all on filling.

Our mind should rely on distinct processes, i.e. intention, observation, focusing, concentration and the corresponding feedback algorhythm (i.e. the rationalization of these processes) or it should be in a state of rest (or the state of non-mind) so as to reinforce the power of the brain, i.e. learn how to simply accumulate energy and not be distracted by secondary factors or get dispersed.

The mind should free itself from the ‘esoteric’ perception of the world where we operate with concepts and references, not understanding or even focusing on their essence. Nothing should remain outside the activity of our mind, everything conscious, subconscious or external to consciousness must have its foundation within us and must depend on our understanding and not on our conjectures.

This, of course, does not exclude the process of believing, which is however examined simply as a bridge to the new reality. What differentiates one reality from another is a set of physical properties. Therefore by perfecting our physical indicators, we are also reinforcing and expressing something we have not known up to this point. We must not disorient ourselves with things that we have not used effort to study because this would only simplify our mind and our abilities and will lead us to a reflexive instead of a comprehensive attitude. We must learn how to tune ourselves to our task, then learn to maintain it and after that learn how to expand the synchronous spectrum of the task so as to create the necessary tension in our brain.

Man’s brain should always exist either in a passive, or in a dynamic tension in order to be able to regulate all signals and waves going out or coming in the brain. If the brain does not learn how to exist in a toned state, it would be very easy to separate it, divide it or disintegrate it as well as to subordinate it to randomness instead of constancy.

The brain should always exist in a plastic state or else it will become dependent on uncontrollable processes and will deprive us of the opportunity to activate our conscious effort not only in the process of development but in life in general. Out brain must be focused either on itself (the state of non-mind) or on the process (achieving tasks), otherwise it will become absent and will stray into processes that we cannot control, which will lead us into a mindless form of existence.

We must never let our brain exist in a state of suspension, consequently we must learn how to reboot it. In other words we must learn how to transfer it from the state of mind to the state of non-mind and back. Out brain must always follow the programme and this programme must be constantly regulated. The failure to follow the program or simply the loss of attention are equivalent to a trance-like state when man loses his personal identity. Further this leads to the occurrence of various problems. A mind with no control is essentially a manifestation of an external dependency, which leads to a submittal to incomprehensible and uncontrollable sensations irrespective of whether they satisfy us or not.

From the perspective of the energy principle

Every person sees life according to the reactions and emotions he has built. People perceive others from the perspective of their own experiences and not the experiences of these others. This is backed by a certain energy resource that nourishes us. In this way Man has transformed himself from a spatial entity (circulation is a process occurring in three-dimensional environment) into a linear entity, therefore he no longer sees the difference between sensations and experiences, or feelings and emotions.

All of the above have their own energy characteristics and particular vibrational indicators that are either unrefined, i.e. heavy and temporary, or fine and light, i.e. atemporal. Until man understands the difference in these qualities, he will measure everything from the position of the generated sensations and not the possible ones. The task of understanding the new qualities of the sensations is related not so much to the ability to master certain energy processes but to the perfection of the aesthetics of ones life (which is in fact the goal of this task). For the mind this is related to understanding new forms of perception, which in fact regulate the work of the right hemisphere.

From the perspective of the physical principle

The physical principle of development is the process of bodily development which ends at the age of 35. The reinforcement of the functional qualities of the organism, which consists of various parts, systems and organs, is the most important task for us if we want to develop not only our body, but also our energy and our mind. Our body depends on various parts and to an even greater extent – on the links between these parts. These links can have different manifestations: they may appear in accordance with the natural plan of development, valid for us as biological systems, they may disturb us or may even be altered.

Our body goes through three different periods in life:

  • The period of formation when Man cannot yet satisfy his needs with the help of the body because it is still growing
  • The period of living in the body when we ‘master’ it
  • The period of withering

All disruptions in the first and the second cycle reduce them and activate the third cycle. By the way, everything happens differently with different people, since things here are determined to a great extent by Man’s initial potential. This is why drawing parallels and making a comparative analysis is inappropriate in this case. The basic disruptions in the biological characteristics of Man, i.e. the biological processes, are related to a disruption in the rhythm of development or the life of the body, which is generally related to a reduction of the frequency of our body. This comes as a result of our feeding and our breathing that reduce our organism to a simplified state and activate the aging program much earlier than it would have begun according to our natural characteristics.

This means that Man has learned how to deteriorate his DNA by loading his cell with an excessive amount of oxygen and discharged energy, which our organism emits in the process of food digestion. By simplifying our breathing and consuming coarse food we have altered our molecular foundation and have in fact freed part of the molecules, which have been thus transformed from allies of our body into its enemies, and have thus joined the ranks of the uncontrollable molecular links (the free radicals of the body). Therefore, the lifestyle of contemporary Man can be compared to a slow suicide, where Man not only destroys himself but also becomes dependent on this process of self-destruction.

Essentially, Man becomes a killer in various aspects. When this self-consumption reaches its peak, Man starts destroying the space that surrounds him for he carries the mechanism of death or rather he is dependent on death. In this situation Man must learn how to change the already damaged or dead cells, in case, of course, the damage has not yet reached his brain (the last cells to die are the brain cells). Thus improper or incompetent physical development represent a programme that we form within ourselves on the basis of the structure of our body, breathing and nourishment.

Physical development should not only prevent us from producing unnecessary and superfluous cells but also from mutating and destroying the ones we possess. The cell must always be in a toned or vigorous state so as to be able to maintain the internal links and not set them loose. We must also change our approach and our evaluation of all this so that we can improve the functional parameters that perfect our body, mind and energy. Unless we increase the energy conversion efficiency of the life of our body, we cannot improve ourselves and enhance our performance (especially that of the thinking processes).


15 september 2012

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