Measure of Transformation

The connection with power is a particular characteristic of effort which determines the laws of resonation. By knowing and expressing such laws, Man is able not only to integrate himself into space, but also control it.

Certainly, the features of integration in space predetermined the development of some civilizations. However, the first who brought themselves out of the simple interaction with the macrocosm (and in fact, freed themselves from the subjection to it), were the Celts, who determined the transition from the timeless space – the lifetime of the goddess Danu – into a temporary one, that came with the arrival of the sons of Mil.

The sons of Mil not only constructed the knowledge of the liberation from death, which came with the temporary space, but they were also the first people who achieved a state of immortality. And, of course, the main personage here is Cuchulainn.

That's exactly the knowledge that the Scottish King Robert the Bruce subsequently, together with the Templars, tried to restore. His connection with this Order reveals the main mystery and mission of the Knights Templar, who tried to restore the knowledge, associated with transformation and alchemy. The Celts broke this knowledge into rays, each of which represents a particular measure of transformation.

First measure of transformation. Integration into space.


1. Condition

Whatever we do, we must rely on the conditions in which we find ourselves. The knowing of the conditions of existence – that's an art comparable to the interaction, or even the transformation of these conditions, as they not only determine our existence, but at a certain time they formed the conditions of our appearance. We rely on a space that has three-dimensional laws and, therefore, we originally should be able to integrate into them.

2. Accumulation

When we learn to integrate into space, we can begin the process of accumulation. That's, in fact, a condition that can subsequently increase our energy potential. The accumulation must be commensurate with the tasks of the space and, of course, with its understanding.

3. Maintaining

The maintenance is a condition of consolidation of the accumulated, since the space does not so willingly give away from itself, and you should be able to negotiate with it. Thus, the consolidation of the accumulation process is the ability to sustain yourself in new conditions.

4. Division

The maintaining creates an additional effort, allowing to identify the increase of power. This power can be identified as having two flows. It begins to maintain itself and becomes a support for a further accumulation, which is associated with transformation.

5. Multiplication

The multiplication is a process, based on a divided power. Here occurs the ability to express the will of the space in a closed system of coordinates, i.e. in our body.

6. Capture of space

An additional condition of growth is the definition of insufficiency, which helps us to capture the missing energy from the space and bring the body to a full harmonization by nullifying all possible deviations.


10 may 2013

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