The Highest Form of Development

Obatala: Epa Baba!
The highest form of development is the penetration into the culture. What is culture? This is a timeless characteristic, which becomes part of the life. This is one constantly performed ritual aimed at the maintaining of all possible links with the space. This is a definite rhythm of existence, expressing the attitude to the world and being at the same time a part of it.
If there hasn't been developed a physiological need in a person to live according to the rhythm and through the rhythm, however, despite the fact that he is consisted of fragments, he also represents a permanently dependent, manipulated being, who is always forced to adapt and react to one or another force.
Each force is a certain grouped energy model, living by the laws of a particular rhythm. If we do not live by these laws, then we always adjoin to the already created. To live by the laws of rhythm means to be in a constant ritual of its maintaining (a good example here is the religion of Islam) or cultivation (another good example is the Yoruba culture).
The man, who is not maintaining the rhythm, can never be free, because he is not even in the proper tuning for freedom. Freedom is a physical quantity, which needs to work hard for it. If you depend on rough food, then you are not free, because the energy frequency of this food is not just lower yours, but it also lowers you.
If you can't breathe correct, you again lower your own frequency. If you do not use your brain in the everyday life activities, you once again lower yourself. If there is no music inside you, then you do not understand power. If your step does not have measure, you traipse after your ass or apron and you are not even able to enjoy this particular moment of time. Behind all this is one clear and adjusted concept of the rhythm.
Our life is a certain kind of ritual and we should carry this service, supporting and, what is more important, cultivating our experiences. Somewhere in Africa or Brazil the man, banging on a tambourine, is not just living in the action, which he is committing, but he, in fact, is perfecting his spirit, because in reality this is a work with the rhythm, which means the structuring of connections that Man is able to realize at all levels.
Of course, the level can be higher or lower, but there is a level. No one, even the richest man, or the smartest professor in his integrity cannot compare with the one who knows how to play the tambourine. I draw your attention to the fact that he plays, not beats, because the one playing depends on the rhythm, and does not just knock sounds out of the instrument. He has a true breath, an internal foundation, he has a higher experience. And there is no price for that! It can't be bought with money. So, you just need to turn your life into a ceremony, a ritual.
Any ritual is based on the law, the law – on the order, and the order – on the truth.
The truth about development
The truth about development lies between two concepts: sincerity and death. Sincerity allows you to understand and seek the truth in yourself, and death helps a person to stay in the laws of act. The law of act – that's when we depend on the experience of the process, not on time. The process allows us to escape from time, and that means from death. Death is a temporary quantity, which means that it concerns those of our actions, which are characterized as temporary, unnecessary, small, in general everything that is not implanted in us, but distracts us from ourselves.
The deceases are also temporary phenomena, as, indeed, is the body, although there may be options. Such are the attempts to change the laws of the body by changing its vibration. In fact, there are cases of complete transformation of the body. Even if they are not so much (which is caused by the rough vibrational form of the Earth at the moment), there certainly are! This means that we can talk about different quantities. And in order to bring ourselves closer to the truth, we need to change, not just identify ourselves. Behind all this, again, is the rhythm as the supreme knowledge of vibration, which is hidden in the ancient hymns and stories, where the point is not in the written, but how it is written, or how the sacred texts should be perceived or even more correct, the sacred songs.
Life must be regulated by the law of correct functioning. This is the law of rhythm – the law that determines the state of being in the higher characteristics of existence. Whether we like it or not, but we live in the laws of cyclicity. However, the cyclicity can be either temporary, aimed at destruction (which, in fact, represents its law), or it also can be timeless, aimed at continuation. And the third cyclicity is the transformation that teaches how to achieve the ability to pass from the temporary cyclicity to a timeless one.
So, here it is important to use the right instruments, which, on the one hand, would not let you slip into a line cycle, and on the other, would not give you to jump into an uncontrollable timeless one. However, we must first learn how to operate the rhythm and not just follow it, if we want to do this. Without operating the rhythm, we can only follow the generation of what was planted in us. By learning how to interact with it, we wrench open our code, well, at least, we do not let it destroy itself.
The control of rhythm brings us to the highest form of vibrational control, when we create, and most importantly, become impregnated with ambrosia – an indestructible vibration.

The doctrine of rhythm
The doctrine of the rhythm is the teaching of the higher proportions, the study of resonance, crystallization, in general, all that appears to be supreme for us. It is a concentrated geometric narrative that develops only by the means of harmony, i.e. it's impossible not only to understand, but even learn how to understand the rhythm without realizing that it is the most harmonious science. This actually means that it is not just informative but also ecstatic, as it brings us to different forms of experience.
However, it's extremely important here that the experience is not confused with emotion, which actually lives in the laws of temporal relations. Experience is a controlled form, which, in fact, leads to such transformations in the body, which I call “ambrosia”.
The doctrine of the rhythm has its numeric, geometric forms, and, most importantly, it must be physical, which means sensible. The highest achievement here is the acquisition of the state of resonant isomorphism, i.e. the creation of energy transformations without losing the stable form, or, in other words, the achievement of the art of controlling the rhythm through the consciousness. This, of course, is a distinctive form of the model of development, inherent to the Africans, where the control happens through the super-consciousness.
However, if we consciously come to the understanding of the super-conscious, then we actually get a real knowledge about the form of timeless existence, which in the African case boils down to the fact that a person, who does not possess a super-conscious tuning, would only destroy himself, as there are no conditions for isomorphism.
The doctrine of the rhythm is the study about the influence of the senses. This is a psycho-physiological law, proportional to the algorithm, which has a distinction of 30 degrees. There are a total of 12 distinctions. In fact, here we are talking about 12 kinds of experiences. Consequently, those who first identified these 12 laws, in fact, must be considered by us as the source of knowledge about the rhythm. Actually, their name is Orishas.
The law of 12 kinds of experiences represents the world's division by the sacred principle, where each Orisha is a certain law of the timeless space. In reality, the Orishas are fourteen. The laws are divided into two phases by 6 rhythms each along one axis, i.e. they represent a sevenfold structure. So, this actually is very important because we get a certain transitional model, that is, the one you don't follow but work with it, the same as in the case with the nonary or fivefold gradation, because here is embedded the rhythm of breathing, from which, in fact, we can push off, if we want to take control of the resonance.
Each Orisha is some kind of a cylinder, a drum, which houses the laws of one of the twelve dimensional structures of the macrocosm, which are displayed on our body in the form of physical, energetic and mental characteristics. However, this particular division is not quite true, as it is necessary to speak about the influence of three-dimensionality, which is transformed into manifestations such as physics, energy and mentality, that is, all this is energy. But the energy, manifested in the temporary space, is roughened, and we actually see the physical body. The energy refinement is the basis of mentality, and we do not see it. The energy transformation is actually the transformation of one type of energy into another.
In general, these are the three different vectors that, in reality, represent us. Together, they are all subjected to the rhythm. Well, it all started in the area where the first understanding of the rhythm was created - the place, where the god of rhythm Obatala came.

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28 june 2013