Anatomy of Development
Warning: this article must not be read on a full stomach, in passing or in a crooked body position. The article is not intended for the general reader. All critics are hereby invited to contact Customer Support. And all supporters, please leave your phone numbers, for you are the Customer Support.The subordination of the soul to the brain, and of the brain to the body lays the foundation for the concept of 'anatomy of development'. However, comprehending this is a rather complex process because we do not consider the thought as a thought. We rather consider thought a certain impulse, which is processed without any effort on our part.
Nevertheless, thought is an effort generated by consciousness, which is necessarily preceded by a concentration process. That is, consciousness is a formula for the effort that the brain can reproduce. Therefore, the basic, so to speak, consciousness is the consciousness burdened by concentration.
The brain receives and generates thousands of oscillations and they generate impulses, which are as a thought in an uncontrolled brain accepted. However, this is not actually a thought. There is a huge difference between the states associated with actions determined by thoughts and impulses. Especially, when development is involved because it is associated with the use of the consciousness.
Until they prove the existence of a physical link between thought and the brain, all scientific achievements, even empirical ones, are bound to remain esoteric. It would be false to call a thought a thought, if the consciousness is not characterized by rationality, e.g. a controlled effort. Thought is the art of the consciousness to operate with this very consciousness.
Rejecting the false path
What do we actually call false? False is everything that the brain does not assimilate or forms uncontrollably. And this is what happens with any brain that is incapable of focusing. This holds true also for all deviations and distractions that lead to a loss of control, even when there is an overall ability for focus and control.
The rejection of the false path is, in itself, a significant success for those who seek thought, those who can reject, filter and maintain the tasks that are being followed or set forth.
Incoming information
All structures of the brain – from the cortex to the hypothalamus- depend on the work of the cerebrum, which draws its strength from the forebrain. As a result, the brain, or rather, its existence and development depend on the nerve endings. Such an existence however incapacitates the brain completely.
Historically, various systems have been developed with the goal of excluding the developing person from all stimuli (one of the most significant among these is, of course, the Zen-Buddhist system). Consequently, it turns out, the way information is received and processed in the brain determines the degree of the deviation in the brain, which might turn out to be even more dangerous than underdevelopment. What does, in fact, mass education do? It does not teaches one how to learn but simply disturbs the natural functions of the brain. All that remains hidden in the depths of the brain gets subjected not to a single brain mass, but rather to one of the parts of the brain.
What am I actually saying? I'm saying that it is not we that determine our perceptions but rather nature since it controls us. And until out brain is centered, we cannot understand the difference between effort and stimuli. There's a semantic impediment here, since the word 'understand' is also a reaction, an emotion and has absolutely no relation to the process this notion should express.
This word has become so irrelevant today that it has already lost its meaning. And this is irrefutable, it can only be proven.
Effort or stimuli
This is what every developing person must achieve. However, this is hardly possible without extended experience. With stimuli the basal ganglia, the thalamus and the hypothalamus become simply appendages that process the active brain neurons, instead of masters of our system, as they should be.
In such a state the size and development of the brain function simply like an emotional system. The only difference here lies in the minus and plus of the resonance. We have 'good' or 'bad', the person falls hostage to a 'neuro-psychic code' that he falsely considers his own personal opinion. Therefore, we have a kind of homunculus.
There can be no effort without effort. This is why the greatest form of development is the nurturing of this homunculus in the brain, i.e. of effort. And this is actually the primary task of the true alchemist. In Taoist alchemy this correlates to the creation of Niwan Gong. In other words, it is related to nourishing the brain with high-vibrational substances – both externally (sodalite nourishment, for example) and internally. Actually, the modern concept of this process is rather trivial, perhaps due to the misinterpretation of the experiments of the Medieval alchemist Paracelsus. The most fundamental element here is the art of the internal perspective.

The brain center
The transition from brain to thought is the most complex transition for contemporary man since it is related to the nature of the nervous system and actually studies the brain from the perspective of the nervous system, and not from the perspective of energy conductivity. Therefore, it is not surprising that we were grouped with the monkey since the light micro-photo fixation of several Golgi-stained neurons in monkeys and modern humans turned out to be the same.
If we examine the brain of a Zen master, we would see something different. All processes are built by the effort of concentration, everything is centered and the brain relies on itself. The brain can be comprehended only by another brain, yet this may happen only if that brain has the proper geometry. The first step here is to study the nature of the synchronization of the right and the left hemispheres, and to align the effort in them.
Geometry of the brain
The geometry of the brain is the foundation for the building of the brain. There are two most important concepts in brain development: geometry and centrality. We must be able to comprehend the brain sectors, because otherwise it becomes a single unified mass and is subjected to the little brain, which is, in effect, controlled by the brain stem that is not one of its conscious parts.
A clear line separates the study of the brain from the speculations about it, and this line is lined with the practical work on achieving a tactile perception that cannot be replaced by any speech. Naturally, there must be some justification for the nature of the geometry of the brain, yet the only solution here lies in practical actions.

Nourishment of the brain
The nourishment of the brain is the primary principle underlying the operating with the brain. Unless man grasps the idea of brain nourishment, he will not be able to operate with the brain internally, since in the absence of additional energy the brain will depend on the utilitarian forms of saturation, e.g. on temporary stimuli. The issue here affects again the homunculus or alternatively sodalite. The topic of nourishment is very important and vast, it is studied by a whole special doctrine, however we should specify and remember one thing here: a person incapable of nourishing the brain or understanding the concept, cannot simply forget about development.
Insight and enlightenment
The most important issue in studying the brain, generally overlooked today, is related to the characteristics and qualities of the enlightened who is different from even the most distinguished scientist – unless, of course, this scientist is an alchemist, like Newton. Enlightenment is for Man the supreme form of existence, which comes after the centered state and the changing of the geometric model – unless, of course, the person was born with naturally high characteristics. We are talking about a certain state of resonance that elevates the level of the person to a completely new vibrational wave, thus however subjecting him to this wave. What stands even higher to this supreme state is when the person controls this wave, these vibrations.
I have thus indicated the trends related to the concept of anatomy of development, which today determines the possibility for studying not only our personal nature but also the depths of the world in general.
Questions and answers
Is there a difference between the false and the incorrect?
There is, in the understanding of what should be considered false, and what – incorrect. To me both of these refer to the unnecessary.
Thank you for this exceptionally useful article! Many doctors in China recommend the use of saturated fatty acids (e.g. fat) for improving the brain.What do you think about this?
What do you understand by 'think'?
How can we differentiate the brain's reaction from the thought in the moment of its emergence?
This is again a reaction. The work of the brain must be built, and with it – the thought. If there is no special work in this respect, the degree of access to one's thoughts will be determined by the experience in using one's brain, and not by the brain's work for the sake of creating a 'processing system' for generating thoughts.
With time you unexpectedly realize that certain, seemingly, thoughts have rather been reactions to particular information fields. And you always see this in retrospect realizing that such a thought could not have appeared in a different state of the brain. And if you can filter out the emotional reaction, the mimicry is absolute. It seems like an entirely sound thought based on a particular information.
What you are describing is the process of gaining experience, which is inevitably dominated by the reaction. What is important here is monotonous work on synchronizing the brain. This is the primary effort that can affect the formation of thought.
Do I understand correctly, that without a center, the brain will anyway think with a piece of the brain, and we can use certain methods to check if this is in fact a reaction to the external information field or a thought formed by you?
Thought is eventful and we must develop the ability to build it. Irrespective of the objects we think about and the way think about them, we need to understand the effort used in the formation of the thought. And if such an effort is absent, we need to concentrate on defining our reactionary understanding. For example if we say 'I'll go to the shop', and then 'No, I won't go', we need to find an explanation for why we made a certain decision and then quickly rejected it. We need to catch these reactionary thought for they are parasite-thoughts.
You mention 'the internal look'. How is this done?
It is achieved through concentration, when we not only control the thought but also the energy that forms it.
The functions of focusing and concentration are rather different. Therefore we should, probably, discuss thoughts in different aspects. We should discuss not only thought formation, the energy, but also thought's structure and control. And in general, can we discuss concentration - which is rather characterized by the processes of classification, perception, and disclosure – and thus reveal the concept of thought in its proper and full sense? Or thought can be correlated only to creation, when the geometry of the brain has already been built and its unity and concentration allow for the formation of thought? Is thought formation different from thinking? What is a thought form? And can we generally equate 'creation' to 'thought'..?
Yes, we can move in this direction but until we have studied the essence of experiencing thought-formation, we will be inventing for ourselves the game of inspiration. When I write an article, I don't have the task to finish it, I place myself in the study of the process, this is why it is not important if people agree with me or not; I realize my maximum potential and I am not energetically undermined, I realize myself the way I am. What is important here is to do this all the time. If you subdivide the thinking tasks into important and secondary, you can never perfect yourself. This is why I never approach a question from the position of 'I know' but rather only from the position of 'I think'. 'I know' is a very dangerous emotion. You need to tell yourself that you are working on your brain and to this end you need to maintain your concentration, and only then move on to living in concentration.
'When I write an article, I don't have the task to finish it, I place myself in the study of the process, this is why it is not important if people agree with me or not; I realize my maximum potential and I am not energetically undermined, I realize myself the way I am…' – isn't this an allegation that 'I KNOW HOW' ..:-) just joking.
Question: There are people who possess by birth the ability to control the energy of thoughts but do not at the same time understand how they do it. Are such initial conditions restrictive for the development of the effort and the awareness of what is happening?
A topic! A great topic! Yes, this is something given, and even if it is worthwhile, if it is not studied, development is impossible, there is only following!
What are the stages of the work on brain geometry?
- Restoration of the brain as a single body
- Attuning the basic regions of the brain
- Synchronization
- Centralization
- Attuning the lord of the brain
- Attuning the five regions of the brain
- Attuning the nine regions of the brain
What happens after enlightenment and insight?
'Enlightenment and insight' is a relative concept because it can be the result of the state of several different regions of the brain. We need to look at the technical characteristics of different states. And above all – at who or what controls this state. In other words, there is no linear response to this issue, it is a whole topic in itself.
Where is the reference point of the angles – in the fulcrum, at the junction with the lever, or at the end of the lever? Or at all three points? In this case, is it in the matrix of the first symbol that leads to one of the schemes of Feng Shui or Vastu Shastra?
The lever is the precondition for the work. The basis of the genuine, i.e. working symbol lies in the laws of sacred geometry. These are generally simple and consist of the number that stands for the form and the direction that stands for the angle. You simply need to understand what the form is inscribed in – if it's inscribed in a circle, the resultant force will be directed to the outside, if it's inscribed in a square, then the resultant force will be directed to the inside. The lever is the resonance of one of the three angles. There can be many such angles, therefore we need to know our task. Let's take the resonance that links to the reproductive system, where we need to instate a certain process of a static and a dynamic energy wave. In other words, the lever is our definition, which helps us maintain ourselves in the terms of the task.
By changing the format of the first symbol, can we enhance or weaken the conditions at the four directions? In the phrase ' the matrix of the symbol or its seed is the fundamental vibrational order, the essence and the force of the symbol, related to distance, which determines the nature of preservation and, as a result, of generation.' what is the exact meaning of distance?
The cube should not be subject to change, however the effort of the sides may be increased or decreased. Otherwise, we'll jump out of the order of the symbol. Distance is a characteristics of the order, their value is, essentially, the same.
Can a person without a finitude develop and find a solution to his health problems?
First we need to define final goal and health. And in order to do this, we need to inscribe ourselves in the figure we represent. In other words, we need to understand integrality.
Wind, water, fire as entities may affect the body, but do they somehow possess it or do they have a negative effect upon it, or is this simply something that belongs to fairy tales?
We need to understand the measure of the space we live in. It would be really dangerous to lump things together. If you do not understand the idea of fire as a physical manifestation, then this is where esotericism begins. In other words, everything has its place, but it should be understood rationally.
What are the will and the spirit, and why do some people act like an automaton, but can not really understand the deep feelings of other creatures, while others are prone to mental disorders? What and where can I read about this, or perhaps I shouldn't yet go into such processes? At what level of development - work of the body - can I deal with such issues?
A serious and important issue. Adequacy is important for development, but things are not so simple, as adequacy requires rationality. And this is not easily achieved today. In general, work with what is rational for you!
How can we free ourselves from the influence of the planets - at the moment of birth and throughout our life?
You need to change you natural structure.
How can we improve our vibration? How can we deal with viruses and 'rubble' in the body?
You have to learn to prevent deterioration before you can really think about improving. First, you must stabilize your state, and only then you can start moving.
21 january 2015