The Blood
The seed of father and the blood of mother define our existence in space of our physical nature. Blood is the main source of nourishment for the brain. Our feelings experiences and emotions depend on our blood circulation. But most importantly the ability of the body to capture the process of energy breathing depends on the state of ones blood.In summer blood nourishes the body, in winter it empties the body. In winter if one doesn’t give the body rest from blood, then breathing is disrupted. In winter blood has a function of storage and in summer of nourishment. Same as during the day: in day time filling happens, at night- saving.
Not to trace this means to cause reaction that will lead to sadness. And if one doesn’t notice this in time then it can lead to depression. Thus, today we have gone even further: the maximal percentage of death rate is connected to illnesses of cardio-vascular system - heart attack, stroke, hypertension, and atherosclerosis.
Main functions of blood
Nutritional: transport of different substances that define energetic reaction in different parts of the body: oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide, mediators, enzymes, etc. The quality of human existence depends on the quality of work of this function, having brain nutrition as the main importance of this function.
Respiratory: transporting of oxygen from lungs to tissues of the organism, carbon dioxide from cells to lungs. The ability to perceive different frequency characteristics depends on the quality and structure of the blood.
Trophic: transporting the end products of metabolism (urea, urine acid, etc), surplus of water, organic and mineral substances to organs of excretion (kidneys, genitals, lungs, bowel). It is a very important function that in essence shows if the blood controls consciousness or does the consciousness control the blood. For example inability to control own life functioning and own thoughts are a sign of dependency from one or other excreting functions that control our behaviour through our blood.
Regulatory (hormonal): a function with a volume touching on the most varied processes from the regulation of the heat and cold to regulation of active physiological substances, hormone delivery, delivery of peptides and ions from their sites of synthesis to cells of the organism. Also regulates energy processes connected with internal channels.
Protective: a special function that protects a human from both negative and positive processes. Is determined by the quality of blood, its circulation and centrality (creating equal pressure both in the bottom and top part of the body).
Homeostatic: a function that determines the internal pressure, body balance, acid-alkaline indicators, regulates the aqua environment of the body.
Blood Indicators
The volume of blood in human organism is 5-6 litres. That is 6-8% of the whole body mass. However this particular volume can regulate all molecular connections in the body.
Relative density of blood (1,050-1,060) depends on the amount of the red corpuscles. The relative density of blood plasma (1,025-1,034) depends on proteins. Energetic density depends on structure of blood and is defined by energy frequency. The average energy frequency of blood is 7,8 Hz.
Acid-base state of blood is perhaps the main indicator that determines the internal reaction of the organism (ratio of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions). Here we encounter the most important indicator of blood – hydrogen indicator pH. It is believed that normal pH of blood is 7.2-7.4. But the issue here is that pH of blood is different in separate levels and areas of the body.
According to scientific data pH of arterial blood is 7.4, venous blood 7.35. The pH indicator of blood is considered to be a constant that is not supposed to change, because it is in the indicators that the process of transformation and fermentation happens, and a shift of blood to an indicator below pH 7 of above pH 7.85 is not compatible with life.
The quality of blood and life itself depends on understanding of blood pH and ability to sustain it in the required values. At the same time it is important to understand that regulated blood is one set of tasks, and uncontrolled blood is complete dependency on space of living and corresponding nutrition.
This particular lack of understanding of humanity of the real meaning of blood led us to the appearance of four blood types or groups and to leaving from one, single blood group that existed initially. To be more correct from two, a group with a defined collecting activity characteristic to women (this type of blood was connected to earth), and with “sky” group that started to be defined as the main one after amplification of solar activity.
Five Blood Types
O: basic
This is the originally preserved blood type that structure wise has more pronounced horizontal connections. This group of blood is strongly attached to the vibrations of the place that supports it. People with this given blood type are strongly dependant on the place where they live and from the local food.
A: growing
This type of blood supports itself on the base blood group but is able to develop and perfect itself. It appeared as a result of solar activity. It is very good for human development and is the most comfortable for perfecting. However dependency on space doesn’t let it put extra effort in. As a result representatives of this group have problems with rhythm.
B: flexible
A pretty interesting blood type that appeared from ethnic groups mixing as a result of migration. Has a good indicator but has a position of being sort of in between the second and fourth blood groups that doesn’t give it stability. However good adoptability is usual for this group.
AB: unpronounced
This type appeared as a result in changes of earth frequency characteristics. It hides the fifth group in itself that depends on higher frequency vibrations and is not amenable to acceptable definitions and characteristics.
Group V: alchemical
A special type that does not depend on energy of space and is a subject to high frequency indicators.
09 february 2011