Seven Bodies

The scheme of development is seven formulas that form the basic frequency characteristics of our body, developing it’s abilities to contain energy and feeding, and first and foremost the systems of the body. This gets the body used to live in other frequency characteristics and increase its energy-containing ability and potential.

1. The Body of Volume

It determines the connection of a person with the environment and residence.

The body of Volume is represented by the Circulatory system (Blood). It determines the synchronisation with the space of the environment, or the camber and convexity. All this forms the concept of volume of form. It's stable when still and unstable when moving.
For nutrition of this body one needs resonating frequency that is similar to the frequency of residence (7.8-8Hz). In special areas this reading can go up to 12-15Hz.

2. The Body of Pressure

It reflects the distribution of energetical potentials of Earth.

The main system of the body representing this figure is the skeletal system. It doesn’t have a stable condition in rest, but is stable in movement. It strongly is dependant on nature’s cycles and the Moon. It is controlled only by consciousness.
For nutrition a resonance frequency that covers the frequency of the place of living (8-40Hz) is needed.

3. The Body of Rotation

It is represented by the muscular system that determines the state of the body and influences the creation of proportional body. A proportional body has an axis of rotation.
It is represented by figures of: cone, sphere, cylinder, and torus.

These are the four main proportional figures by which the body's muscle mass can develop.
For nutrition a resonating frequency that covers the frequency of the place of life is needed (8-40 Hz)

4. The Body of Tension

The Body of Tension, or Impossible body, is determined by the work of the Endocrine system. Thus it is represented by the skin system. Its work is determined by the conditions of circulation, rotation of the energy in the body.
For nutrition a interplanetary resonance frequency is needed (100-260 Hz)

5. The Body of Collecting

The Body of Collecting is a particular cylinder. Like body where the tendons are correctly put, stay and develop. This body is determined by the works of the tendon system. For nutrition a horizontal-resonating frequency is needed (3.3-5.2 Hz)

6. The Resonating Body

Is representing the consciousness, or more precisely the area of the brain, centralizing the work of the whole brain (is situated under hypothalamus) the geometrical body reminds of a filled torus. For nutrition all resonating characteristics presented in all bodies are needed.

7. Truncated Body

Truncated Body-is a body that we are given from birth, i.e. a certain reserve of solidity that we need to sustain. It is connected with the geometry of the place of birth. The geometrical figure representing this system is a pyramid without a cap stone.

For nutrition a resonating frequency corresponding to the place of living 7.8-8Hz) is needed in special areas it reaches 12-15Hz.

14 june 2011

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