Antioxidants are substances that suppress free radicals and with them the oxidation processes in the cell. What are free radicals? They are independent molecular bonds. Modern medicine found out that having such bonds is really bad so everyone rushed to offer, rather actively, products for their destruction.
Taoist medicine, which has a few-thousand years’ history, classifies such processes as uncontrolled energy qi. Therefore all sensible approaches start with determining where, why and how this uncontrolled energy originates, and they try to reduce its manifestation and not destroy it (which in fact only increases this uncontrolled energy). A still base and uncontrolled energy is completely different from an energy that starts defending itself and developing stronger molecular bonds. So, as long as our focus remains on the effects, we’ll be simply aggravating the very cause.
Even the mere incorrect development, for example, of a certain muscle group generates such a large quantity of these free radicals that no antioxidants can help us fight them! Thus we prove not only unable to slow down the free-radical oxidation but, reversely, it either grows or hides in another bodily system.
Whether we like it or not, as long as man is dependent on external nourishment and external food, he is doomed to oxidation. Until we minimize the consumption of deadly food and make our food energetically oriented, nothing can help us. We’re simply reducing, accelerating and transferring the chemical reactions, which makes them even more unpredictable and indefinite.
The oxidation processes within the body are a physical and a chemical property related to the space we inhabit. In our body there’s an access of oxygen, hydrogen and fat that bring about reactions, which are out of our control. Besides, these reactions are different in the different systems of the body and are moreover absolutely self-sufficient.
Western medicine is a simple crow-scare for these reactions – it expels these radicals out of one place and into another. Unless the following conditions are met: synchronization of the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, unification of the energy of the whole body, and transition to food of higher frequency, no antioxidants can help us.
Even the consumption of, say, green tea – which contains the largest amount of these so called ‘antioxidants’ – or goji juice, or noni juice, requires a fundamental attitude towards food – no food an hour before and an hour after!
Who follows this advice in reality? And what are antioxidants in fact? They are high-frequency energy that can stop and suppress the processes of oxidation. However, in order for this to occur, we must know, for example, which cells are most susceptible and why is this.
Naturally, you can tell people: ‘Drink this slop, my dear, and you’ll get superoxide dismutase that will take away the surplus oxygen’. Sick doctors, of course, need sick patients and not healthy ones. Which is why all you need to say is ‘superoxide dismutase’, and the patient is in your hands. It would be better to say: ‘Bring yourself in shape’ instead of healing only the wrist or the left buttock of his sick body. How can anyone achieve anything with a pigged out body whose brain reacts only to food?
The problem is that even the more active people who rush to restore themselves with the help of antioxidants, actually, contrarily, decrease their health instead. If you are looking for a real antioxidant then drink green tea. If you want it to really work – drink real green tea! You want to improve your nourishment system then drink green tea correctly.
In other words, it is important to understand the qualities and the processes. In order to consume energetically active food, we need more concentration. And in order to achieve this, we need a peace of heart and correct breathing. However, how can we achieve this if we are being fed, from our very childhood, with syrups, sugar and chocolate, which boost our physical activity?
Physical activity is the largest and surest step towards creating these very same old ‘free radicals’ since nobody comprehends physical activity or the biological processes of the organism. We need to be able to generate such energy within the body so as to prevent the radicals from appearing and burning us from within. This, however, requires hard work and not reduicng ourselves no one knows how.
And by the way, has someone even assumed that oxidation increases in the body with the weakening of the brain functions? The brain grows weaker since we no longer know how to nourish it. How is brain nourished? By high-frequency food and drinks, and analytical thought. In other words, we can create these antioxidants within the body by simply learning poems (poetry is an element of analytical thought).
Therefore antioxidants are today a mostly speculative concept, which became – after ‘vitamins’, ‘minerals' and ‘amino acids’ – the newest symbol or brand that invokes a reaction in the population for fulfilling somebody’s commercial tasks.
If we really want to reinforce the energetic (i.e. antioxidant) functions of our body, we must understand our goal. Let’s take the noni juice, for example. It is an antioxidant for the cells related, above all, to the tendons. The goji juice is related to blood and green tea – to the skin. If we do not comprehend this, we will not only be unable to reach the desired effect but might even aggravate the negative activities in the organism.
We should also be aware that external antioxidants might be products with a frequency higher than that of the products we consume or they can be chemical ones that, of course only temporarily, are sometimes necessary for healing serious diseases.
At the same time, we must recognize that the development of diseases is something we bear personal responsibility for and not someone else. Perhaps, it makes sense to actually get yourself in order and get rid of the processes that ruin not only your body, but also your energy and your experience? If the body can be somehow sustained in its existence, then who would care about processes and sensations associated with these reactions?
The satisfying internal state should not be interim, temporary or episodic, and in order to achieve this we must work hard every day. By the way, those who do not want to work on themselves, still do this every day – they work against themselves and those around.
Questions and answers
How is the accumulation of radicals in the body manifested on a level more accessible to human attention?
The most dangerous effect is the irregular burning of energy – as a result of this the cell starts capturing indiscriminately everything and a disease occurs.
If you haven’t had enough sleep then you get this desire to eat (especially bread, sweets or heavy food). Is this a sign of irregular burning of energy? Why do we get this desire for these specific products?
Because the blood needs energy, which it receives from starch and sugar. However, here the organism reacts to an excitation, provoked by the lack of sleep.
10 july 2011