Man’s life should be evaluated not in regards to its length, but in regards to its meaning. Man dies the moment his life has become non-conscious and not the moment he’s carried over to the burial grounds. However, the end of a meaningful life is completely different from the absence of a meaningful life whatsoever when people don’t even manifest their human form, which is what meaning is all about.
The average life expectancy of people today is probably not more than 10 years when children start cultivating the effort related to development. This effort is then replaced by externally provoked reactions and emotions. As a result of this man’s internal space ceases to develop and the external devours man and starts exploiting him. His mind is then overtaken by short-term temporary energy, i.e. energy that has a short life-span.
As a result man’s body submits to a short-pulse regime of existence, he becomes dependent on the regular psychological and physical injections. Such a body should not be developed since it essentially changes over to a temporary existence. This generates initially stress, then a smoldering disease, which later leads to serious complications (cancer, stroke, blood issues, heart attack, etc.). Yet the worst consequence is that man looses his correct breathing and taste, which leads to the loss of meaningful activity of the energy.
Today people are born with reduced energy indicators since their parents have had disrupted meaningful functions at the moment of conception. As a result the child has no chance at living as a human, since the system for educating and bringing up is also meaningless and aggravates the disturbances. Man not only is incapable of learning how to transform and generate the energy, but the very process of aggregation is limited by his disrupted internal properties.
Even if we imagine that we have a more or less unified child who has found a unified teacher, his chances are still limited by the environment that is not integral. No one develops the space that people inhabit; people simply use it actually degrading it thus degrading their very own functions.
To all this we can add the chemical and radioactive alterations we develop under the influence of the living environment that bring about changes in our body. As a result people loose their ability to fulfill the very human principle. However, if man is incapable of rationalizations and fulfillment, he is also incapable of actions. Therefore, if we really want to live a meaningful life, we have to organize our internal environment and not simply be part of the truncated external environment.
14 november 2011