Time is a pulsation characterized by internal human code, i.e. death rate. Rhythm of death people call time.
Temperature, pressure, speed of energy movement are characteristics that we depend on, and before we distinguish the greatest singularity we will be dependant on the given code of time. To come away from time one should get special awareness. But it is impossible to know space without geometry.
Yes, the day rhythm coordinates with spinning of the Earth, but that coordination goes through space in which we live. The positioning (the angle) of earth in relation to macro-space, to the Sun, is also important for us.
I.e. we are talking about human orientation to time or to time of immortality about what frequency characteristics regulate our life. If they control us from the body then the brain by processing them becomes dependant on them being, for example, in alfa-tones. However, if the frequency is given from the brain, then we make the characteristics are higher and come away from the repeating cycle.
To get rid of time we need to come away from changing pressure to a consistent one, i.e. to learn how to generate energy, meaning we need to catch the necessary rhythmical experience of generation. For example, alfa-frequencies have nine fluctuations per second, but we need 15-20 fluctuations. This means that we need to go to the beta- frequency zone etc. That’s the reason why when studying rhythm learner should clearly comprehend what pressure or fluctuation we create because we can also lower the pressure (so to say, ruff up time).
Rhythmical activity is the foundation of brain development understanding. It is formed in all types but has to have regularity and this regularity should be traced by the mind. Experience through action, effort (that which composes rhythm) is the foundation of existence. A human is not in a condition to experience time: one can either except it, or not except it. For example, to react to waiting or hurrying, or to peacefully read the book instead.
Time is the most dangerous that the human has defined for one’s existence. One changed the rhythms and lost feelings. You can say: “How else would civilization develop further?” I don’t know how, but a human should keep the human inside oneself. If to speed up and to amplify outside, then let’s amplify inside as well. At least I can say that it works. But I can also say that only very few use this as it is necessary to create a condition for this so the body would move in three dimensional space.
In reality peoples bodies move in two dimensional space: back – front and left – right. Body does not work in vertical dimension. And not so many people can move to left-right, and then only a linear, timely movement is left. Behind this is limited energy circulation and most importantly, loss of rhythm. Rhythm for linear and double-linear form of existence is reduced to manifestation of excitement. After experiencing it energy is lost as there are no conditions for its ingestion.
Imagine a concert of rock music. This is typically a one linear action called to temporarily open, excite the subject that reaches to this excitement. And this character can ride along the Road 66 for a very long time, periodically spraying injections of excitement incised. This way while human lives in a flat space, earth is flat for one as well, and most importantly the volume is not developing and opening inside, and so one is outside the boarders of special changes.
In the doctrine about integrity the main teacher for the European mind (although the Arabic and Daoist alchemist followed the same way) we can say is Euclid that proved in essence that time does not exist if one has a integrated form that lives according to it’s own rhythm (pressure, effort of rotation).
07 december 2011