Human being so closely tied in to the biosphere is a very deep scientific mistake. Rhythms of the Universe exist regardless on human life even if one is not able to attune oneself. If we are talking about human body as about a piece of flesh- it is one thing, but if we are talking about a human body as a brain — it is a completely different thing.
In the first case there is no relation between a human and ones surroundings. One is only a part of space, and that’s all — there is no personal identification. In the second case when a human has a brain, i.e. one can operate it, it allows one to understand vibrations and rhythm of the Universe. In the first case our body adopts the energy to the conditions of the local environment, in the second case we can talk about interaction.
The only thing that was added – is the technological adaptation of a human. Human evolution as a species has stopped although humans crated a strong form of vibrational influence on themselves perfecting the effort in the brain. But the speed of change that humans have created around themselves does not correspond to the speed of brain development. Brain of most of people has gone from thinking state to a reactional state.
Now in essence human destiny is determined by a human attitude towards oneself. This means that this requires two conditions: either correspondence to rhythm given from birth (i.e. rhythm of destiny) or correspondence to learning how one can relate to oneself (education).
If none of these two conditions are present, then no human decision belongs to him or her. As a result one can not correspond to rhythm of own destiny or lower own potential. Obviously here a trap exists that is called following: it is when everything is as if everything is as necessary or as it should be. The only difference is that a human does not create anything; instead one is being used, some external forces of some external rhythm are creating something using that human.
Once more we need to understand the correlation, that before 30 years of age everything depends on developing energy — a human is full of strength that allows one to come in to resonance, say, like with oneэs wishes that in reality don’t even belong to us. After 30 years of age we become dependent on the power of spirit that can only be manifested through mental resource. After 50 years of age a tuning to death takes place.
These are so to say, indicators if a human is programmed to live until 80 years of age. But if it’s until 40 then all the settings are changed. That’s the reason why one can look at own destiny vertically or horizontally. And when we are 20 years old it is funny to talk about destiny as internal rhythm is directed at growth and that’s all. Everything else is peeling.
In order for a human to understand and then to be able to influence own destiny, one should look on own life as on capital, that should always be saved, where the only currency is energy. To understand our real needs is only possible when understanding the whole life process.
However one more difficulty is hidden here: real understanding can begin only under conditions when base energy will stop storming us, i.e. when we reach 28-32 years of age. I.e. before that we should prepare ourselves for understanding. That period fills us, also fills our inconsistency and desires. It happens so if one will not fit into some rhythm where one can develop oneself and will not ride on it in a correct period of existence with correct brains, then we form and grown that which opens our beginning. But will we need it tomorrow if we can not even understand or comprehend?
To understand oneself- means to comprehend own program, and that is a lot. The question of changing and correcting it requires a skill of switching to different frequencies of existence. But for modern earth inhabitants to say something is equal to saying nothing, as on every stage one needs to be able to change the desired to needed or consumed; to be able to go from the stage of existence adaptation to something intentional. Here it is required to firstly rebuild the condition of energy development that was made by that same destiny.
31 december 2011