Crisis of spirituality

Crisis of spirituality is a category that is not compatible with comprehension. Those who are able to comprehend understand that this concept simply must not be. For those who can not do that it is only a turtle without its shell or a shell without the turtle.

However if to dig a little deeper then the described problem appears to be even more global: spirituality from a rational understanding came to be an irrational one quite some time ago. It is an esoterical story or introduction that is not apparent to the human consciousness.

That which we call spirituality in ancient times was defined as connection of a human with the space. It could be defined by Heaven, Earth or a human himself (e.g. one’s connection to ancestors), but it was that volume which contained a concept of existence unlinear yet at the same time understandable and filled with sense. Today the closest to this concept is figurative thinking.

Spirituality is a base essence of a human that forms one’s culture where the base is made from properties, i.e. a dependency of these properties from susceptibility is present. If we are full of different crap on a physical, conscious and energy levels, then what susceptibility can we talk about when every word and sound of a human is not more then a burp?

Spirituality is feeling your vibrational tone: cosmic, crystal, whichever one you want… In order to do that it is important to know how to perceive and receive and not to burp everything out. However a human can only receive if one has mastered the science about oneself, science where the most important condition of acknowledging oneself is manifested, as only one that knows oneself can match to oneself, and only the one who can match to oneself can manifest own rhythm.

Further is dependant on a human possessing those vibrations that open the road to comprehending the space, to that, which people try to call that “spirituality”.

Well, actually here I want to say about the most basic thing – being organized. Being organized defines the order, the order defines the form, and only then we can talk about development.

The basic rhythm for us is the ability to organize ourselves. In an unorganized existence we don’t belong to ourselves. Being organized is a form-building concept. Here we build that depth of breathing that fills us, and go away from one that burns us.

Creating conditions that develop and open us, we become open and capable of filling, and then we can begin sorting out what spirituality is. However, without mastering the basic concept of existence, without having learnt to match to the rhythm of breathing that would move us, instead of slowing down, what sense does it make to spit out words? To organize oneself in conditions of living means to find a support for counting the rhythm. That is already some sort of figure connection, a volume.

The space is material and spirituality must also be material. The only thing, it is necessary to sort out, what material actually is.


12 january 2012

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