The Matrix of Arabic Dance

The matrix of Arabic rhythm determines the Maksum rhythm (4/4), which forms the dimensional figure – the cube, where the dance takes place.
- Goddess worship
Maksum Square: Isis, Ishtar, Parvati, Aphrodite
Body: Uterus
- Generation
Maksum Square: Fertility, Childbearing, Hearth, Cult
Body: Hips
- Space
Maksum Square: Temple, Sanctuary, Place of Worship, Altar
Body: Abdomen
- Appeal
Maksum Square: Dialogue, Appeal, Petition, Prayer
Body: Shoulders
- Fluidity
Maksum Square: Plasticity, Ductility, Immersion, Transformation
Body: Feet
- Emotion
Maksum Square: Affect, Mood, Experience, Sensation
Body: Face
- Direction
Maksum Square: East, South, West, North
Body: Spine
- Excitation
Maksum Square: Pharaonic style (a ritual dance), Tribal style (a militant dance), Ghawazee style, Baladi style (a daily dance), Shamadan style (an entertaining dance)
Body: Chest
16 may 2012
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