
Energetic is a product grown in a certain area, and due to its frequency response has the ability not to destroy itself. That means, it does not posess mortality classification.

Power plants could be a source of supply. Our brain, as long as our body, is able to perceive and assimilate these plants. Energetic is a product absorbed by our body, or the body is ‘impregnated’ by it. Its distinctive feature is the absence of combustion, which arises in our body as a result of receiving normal food (with a death rate) and shallow breathing.

That is its main difference from the food we are used to. However, all depends on the resonant frequency, because if you take any chemical product (for example, a Coke), you can also say that it is some kind of an ‘energetic’, only with reduced resonance, which rather pulls out than fill up our body.

In fact, that is how people have long switched to consuming energetics, but only to those who consume us, and not feed us. This led to a dependence on the processes, which impose one or another chemical reactions. The consumption of Energetics is already a standart of life and you just have to switch from low-frequency energetics, which deprive us of life, to high-frequency, which give us life. It should be clearly understood that high resonant Energetics feed our brain and lower resonant destroy it. So, you can easily determine the level of degradation of a person only by the way he drinks chemical liquids or not.

This matter would not bother me at all, unless people with reduced brain activity would not pass laws, because they actually put obstacles in the path of those who possess an increased one. The result of these laws is an enhancement of the biomass reduction of the population, or rather its brains, and what is obvious is that their choice will be at the level of their vibration characteristics. In the end, such will squeeze out nonpareil.

Whatever, the given remark is a certain section, a definite result of our attitude towards food, and due to it we should define the energy of food not through calories, but through frequency characteristics. For this purpose we need to know the Classification of Energetics.


25 august 2012

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