O-300 “Dunatis” Balsam

“The Nutrition of the Future” project represents the aromatic balsam O-300 “Dunatis” for nutrition and strengthening of the body of tension, which in our body is represented by the bones.


Jojoba oil, oregano, black pepper, osmanthus, benzoin.

Oil action

The black pepper is produced by deep extraction and it feeds and gathers the kidneys, which are powered from the oregano. At the same time, the oregano pointedly acts upon the lumbar gland, which allows feed the bone marrow and moving the osmanthus and benzoin. This causes not only nutrition, but also a strengthening of the bones. It also has a good influence on the conductivity of the meridians of the kidneys and the bladder. In general, it strengthens the kidneys and relieves the pain in the lumbar region.


Balsam O-300 is an energy formula, which is based on a natural extraction, forming oil. It is aimed at the strengthening and nutrition of the bones. The resonance structure of the balsam is created due to the coefficient of a mixture, based on the high-quality oils of Farfalla, that actually is allowing to create a directed effort, which by its characteristics can penetrate and nourish the bone marrow.

The skeletal system is the most orientated and profound system in our body. It regulates the external and internal conditions of the location of all systems and organs. The external conditions are the disposition in relation to the bony skeleton, the internal – their nutrition at the expense of the bone marrow through the endocrine glands. This balm is a certain resonant effort, which is formed by the combination of oils, which, in fact, creates a certain field of tension with its own type of vibration. It is a kind of an energy field, which enters a connection with the bone marrow, the bone.

Inside the system of nutrition is recommended to nourish the body of tension, which is determined by the bone system and it regulates, in the first place, the circulation of the energy of the body, and contributes for the energy returning, from which actually depends the integrity of the body and consciousness.

The main function of the balsam is the nourishment of the spine. From this characteristic depends our ability to become saturated by higher-frequency energy. This balsam (especially in conjunction with the energetic F/300 and the crystalline essence 3000) is a complex for elaboration of all levels of the skeletal system.

The balsam penetrates the bone cavity and promotes the improvement of the blood cells condition, part of which are formed in the bone marrow. The bones are an independent system, if we view them from a position of the circulation of energy and tension. Inside the bones, if we manage to modify their energetic activity, we can obtain an additional generation of energy, which by its frequency is higher than the frequency of the circulatory system, which not only gives us an additional source of energy, but also allows us to control the blood.

The bone group is not some system of the body, but it's a kind of a measure conductor, which all the other systems of the body are tied to. To revive or nourish the bone means to set one very important improvement of most of our parameters, therefore in the Yoga Nutrition is paid a serious attention to the nourishment of the bones.


The ability to penetrate inside the bones through an external influence is the most distinctive feature of O-300 balsam. It means that the balsam has a vibration that effectively connects it with the bone. This is one unique alchemical product developed by an alchemist for the Yoga Nutrition.

Aroma nutrition

It can be used for aroma nutrition and strengthening of the bones and fascia. It's actually very good for aromatherapy, when working with the skeletal system. The balsam activates the glands and centers, associated with this system.

Tactile nutrition

The effect of the oil is due to the tactile influence. The oil is applied at the area of the center Ming Men in a radius of 2-3 cm. In case of a pain in the area of the lower back and the kidneys the balsam should be applied directly onto the source of pain, but the amount that is used should be at least two times less than the one in the area of Ming Men.

Usage recommendations

It is used in the yoga nutrition for the strengthening and nourishment of the bones through a tactile application and aromatherapy. The balsam nourishes the body with vibrations, which are capable of generating the missing elements in the bones. It also promotes the regeneration of calcium, especially when taken together with the crystal formula 3000.

Preventive effect

  • For relief of bone disorders
  • For stopping the development of degenerative processes
  • For stopping the amortization of bones
  • For prevention of the process of aging
  • For reducing the inflammation, or pain
  • Contributes to a better perception of chemotherapy and the recovery from it.
  • In case of deformation of the joints (spread on problem joints)
  • In case of blood cancer should be applied at the center of Ming Meng and the knees
  • For improving the mobility of joints.


1-2 drops once a week (Wednesday) for prevention from a position of Yoga Nutrition. In case of a blockage or a painful syndrome – twice in one place, 1-2 drops at a difference of 10 seconds. However, if the painful syndrome is not removed during the course (after one day, when taking twice a day), consult a doctor. But, if it is removed and at least a day is out, take courses with a three day pause between them.


The person, who is willing to take it, must be tested for allergic reactions before that. If the effect is too strong and there is an allergic reaction of the skin, it must be additionally diluted with jojoba oil till the complete removal of the syndrome.


25 june 2013

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