Stone of Destiny

Scone and Faith Hill, which is located at its center, have been a sacred place since ancient times. This is the location of a special stone that served as the throne to many generations of kings where they received the symbols of government. Gradually, this ritual acquired Christian characteristics and together with the Grail it became the basic tool of the Templars for acquiring knowledge.
The pilgrimage to the Speaking stone Lia Fail, the Stone of Destiny, which is rightfully considered the most significant mystical stone of Scotland and not only, is a day that links the past, the present and the future.
Today Edinburgh Castle is one of the best places for studying the hidden properties of life and the activities that lay hidden behind the walls of this ominous and yet magnificent building. The Castle, just like many other similar buildings, preserves the secrets of a research that many link to the creation of a deadly poison and others – to an attempt at creating a vivifying elixir. Yet this is, above all, a chance to come in contact with the Stone of Destiny which for the most astute seeker may eclipse all that he has seen before.
The Speaking Stone Lia Fail – this is its Celtic name – is the most significant and mystical stone of this country. The history of its origin is shrouded in mystery. According to the legend its birthplace is the Holy Land where Jacob used it as a pillow back in biblical times. Through Egypt, Sicily and Spain this rock came to Ireland, where Saint Patrick himself blessed it and used it for the coronation of the kings of the Emerald Isle
The stone has probably been used in coronation ceremonies in the Irish kingdom of Dal Riada from about 400 to 850 AD, when Kenneth I, the 36th king of Dal Riada, moved the capital of his expanding empire from Ireland in Scone (now the county of Perthshire, Scotland). Thereafter, the stone was moved several times, and used on the remote western island Iona, then on Dunadd, in Dunstaffnage and finally again in Scone. This stone is actually associated with innumerable events, stories and, indeed, legends.
18 march 2014