Steve Jobs and The Brain!
The fact that Steve Jobs had a special attitude to the brain makes him unique. This is actually the ultimate secret of his persona. Remembering the brain, developing the brain, observing the brain was to him perhaps even more important than using this instrument. Steve searched for and even developed his own methods for studying the brain by subjecting it to IT techonology, which eventually became part of his brain (or vice versa). We could say that the level of focus and concetnration that Jobs attained determined his ability to reach a state which in Zen is called 'no-mind'. No-mindness or the so called mushin state is achieved when the mind is completely focused and does not yeild to any distractions.
Maintaining the mind in the same wavelength for a long time induces a particular tension in the brain which opens it to a knowledge of a completely new level. This knowledge is then arranged into systematic schemas. However, we must draw a line here between the state of the drug addict which opens the mind but does not have the power to control it and thus only destroys the brain, and the power of focused thought which can also open the mind but is also capable of controlling it.
By the way, Steve Jobs tried various narcotics in his days yet these experiments only lead him to believe that nothing could help the mind but the mind itself. And since he needed to be in control and constantly maintain his creativity, he not only realized the importance of mind development, but actually started seing the process of working with the mind as the art of controlling the mind.
Steve Jobs is important to people today – people who are no longer even capable of maintaining the stability of their attention - not as a person whose visionary inventions changed the world but as a unique person who continually perfected his mind, improved his brain. Jobs defined the connection between programming and mind power and the power of concetnration. Which practices he used to achieve this is still uncertain. However, judging by his age, as a student he was probably interested in Suzuki Zen Buddhism which probably became a meditation science for the great programmer.
And indeed, judging by his reasoning on the subject of suspending the mind, you can find a lot of similarities with the Zen tradition. Here it must be said that Jobs achieved real results, since he arrived at two important concepts: the mind and timelessness. This is a level of understanding of the consciousness and the brain, which lies beyond the elementary perception of people. I call this level "Newton's level."
The level of Steve Jobs required not only an ability to perceive the laws of the etheric field, but also an ability to comprehend them. The perception of the etheric field is a special state of the mind, where the latter is perceived as a force enabling the holder to know things that are not available to others. It is also very important to note that their unavailability is not due to the nature of man, but rather to the underdevelopment of his brain. Therefore, we can not claim that this is something that hasn't been given to us, as one needs to work on what is given and then it will change.
What is also important, of course, is that by training his brain, Jobs eventually brought it to such a vibration that his physical body could no longer withstand the new load. Perhaps, this was the reason why Jobs started using LSD. Perhaps, his main mistake was that from a certain point in his life he tried to live in a different reality. This was, of course, a one-way ticket, yet Steve's desire to complete his work – the study through the etheric field - gave results.
Nevertheless, I would like to highlight a more important aspect, which will be manifested, perhaps, in the more distant future, and for which at least the USA should really thank Steve Jobs. I'm refering to the fact that many large corporations rushed to rescue the brains of their employees, making them develop their thinking after years of stagnation in this area.
As long as the mind is concerned, Steve Jobs sowed the seed of the bright future in the gloomy existence of today's mankind. To him working with the brain was like a ritual, which made many people pay attention to the particular features, the speech and the behavior of this man. Suffice it to recall the presentation of his latest iPhone, when he was already mortally ill, but absolutely reasonable. Yes, he was losing his life, but had kept his mind which, from the standpoint of Zen, is equal to saving the soul. Even after taking LSD (a synthetic drug configured according to the brain of a schizophrenic), he was able to keep the power of his mind, his intelligence. However, we'll leave the responsibility for such experiments to Steve's own conscience. What we need to remember is the inextricable link between Steve Jobs and the brain; the brain, consciousness and thought became friends with each other in the human mind. And everything else is simply a consequence!

23 may 2016