Cubic thinking

Comprehension of knowledge, without understanding its perspective, amounts to nothing! Without going through the experience of understanding non-verbal vision, the verbal vision and resonance vision, we cannot reach the highest point of view - cubic vision, and along with it the cubic thinking. Cubic thinking is the format of thought, which modern man reached after having lost nonverbal thinking and having never mastered verbal thinking. At the heart of cubic thinking is resonance thinking, designed to replace simultaneously the verbal and nonverbal patterns of thought. Mastering cubic thinking will allow man to continue to perform his human functions in the world.
Dzyabyak is the founder of cubic thinking, of cubic life. This person understands that life is a figure similar to the cube, that life is not just composed of several planes, but it is a combination with a special resonance algorithm.
The most important thing here is that cubic thinking erases the time programme. And age isnot important to the person of cubic thinking: it is determined by the geometry of the brain and the resonance that this geometry creates in the brain, which we can relate to the nature of high-vibration experience.
However, studying cubic thinking in the phase of human existence, when mankind has lost nonverbal thinking, i.e. tune-up thinking, and has not yet developed verbal thinking (through thought) and lives for the most part without the necessary brain geometry, it is important that those who do not possess this kind of thinking understand and accept the reflexive non-acceptance of this kind of thought.
25 july 2016