Institute for The Development of Man

‘Tuning’ Programme

Tuning is the ability to prepare the brain for achieving tasks. This is the most important process that must be studies at the age 14-20 when the body reaches integrity in the field of energy circulation and the brain is gradually stabilized in its development.

Tuning is the condition that leads to the ability to understand, operate with and develop the features of the brain.

Brain nourishment

The first and most important task in studying tuning is to learn how to nourish the brain. If we do not properly nourish and do not understand what proper nourishment is for the brain, we cannot tune ourselves to operating with the brain. Without a proper nourishment, the brain has no perspectives. Brain nourishment is a prerequisite for maintaining the brain in a vigorous and balanced state, which helps develop the brain and its power.

Brain structure

Man’s brain is the basic regulator of all vital processes in one’s body. Tuning requires that we understand the geometry of the brain. We need to know what we can actually develop and how.

The brain is not an impersonal and abstract thing. It is strictly linked to both our body and our external environment. In addition to this the internal links in the brain determine our ability or inability to operate with particular processes.

Balancing the mind

The balanced state of the mind is a prerequisite for the natural maintenance of the vessels in the brain, when an additional resource for the production of molecules is created that helps strengthen the nerve cells in the brain. The main task of the balancing process is to create a directed mind.

The directed mind is the path to endless growth since it provides the cell with a directed power. The cell is thus no longer lost and, at its best, even proves to be able to generate energy by itself, i.e. this may even lead to an increase in brain activity.

Speech structure

The evolution of the development of contemporary man depends on the refinement of the brain, which on the other hand depends mainly on the geometrical capabilities of the brain as a whole.

The development of the brain is not correlated with the development of the intellect but is rather determined by the geometrical effort. This, by the way, is the only thing that is constant by nature. All disturbances in this area lead to deviations (for example to an increase in blood circulation, which affects blood pressure).

The development of not the brain itself but rather the brain forms is very important for people before they reach 30 years of age when this formation process ends. This is especially important for teenagers aged 14-16 when the full cycle of the energy circulation is established in the body.

The brain characteristics of each person are related to his or her everyday life. This is where we should look for the cause of all problems or rather the factor for the weakening of the brain functions. Brain evolution is related to the ossification of Man’s features therefore we must carefully study what kind of efforts we are in fact developing in our brain. Man stands lower to animals with respect to bodily features however he stands higher with respect to the features of the non-mind (i.e. in the vibrational efforts of Super consciousness).

The basic effort in enhancing the brain function is related to setting speech properly. Speech is the foundation of Man’s thinking therefore it must by understood as an effort before everything else.

Feeling as a Condition for Thinking

Intuitive thinking - which is associated with the involvement of feelings (taste, sense, etc.) in the thinking process – develops the dimensional aspect of our thinking and helps us maintain and assimilate thoughts by making them not simply expressions but also experiences.

The Formula of Thinking

Russian is the perfect language for thinking. However in order to understand this, we must not only operate with language but rather understand the thinking of language.

We must be able to split the effort in two - for the left and the right hemispheres, and distribute it from the higher zones to the center. The closer to the center in the left hemisphere the effort of speech is, the more effective our understanding of our own speech shall be and the more we’ll depend on the derivatives of speech. Here what stands in the periphery is reaction and our dependency on it and not understanding. In other words we make our speech dependent on the external circumstances and not on the internal ones.

The ability to operate with speech helps us operate with all sounds – from the sound of wind and various other sounds to the simple sounds we make. Thus we also get closer to the center of sound perception, which is in the right hemisphere. As a result a link is created between sound as an effort and sound as a feeling.

This leads us to the concept of tonality which is in fact the basis of thinking. We can think only after we have understood and managed to change the tone of our sound or have otherwise attached sound to our speech and thoughts.

Resonating Effort

The resonating effort in Man’s mind is subdivided into several levels. It is characterized by the interaction of the left and the right hemispheres. The better the balance of our mind, the greater its directedness and the better its higher resonance union. However even if the mind functions in a proportion of 70/30 (correlation between the effort of the left and the right hemispheres) Man reaches a frequency where the energy of the Earth resonates with the ionosphere, i.e. this is a condition for maintaining the human effort.

When the balance is enhanced and synchronized, the mind starts resonating with different levels of the magnetic field and in its highest manifestation even goes beyond this border. In other words, this is what lies beyond the threshold of gamma-rhythm.



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