Institute for The Development of Man

‘Golden Ratio’ Programme

All results of Man’s actions are determined by the relationship between what is available and what was available before that, in other words, the proportional ratio embedded-received-embedded.

The condition for Man’s life is determined by a formula according to which the result of the nurturing is used for perfecting the nurtured. If this rule is broken, Man is doomed to an uncontrollable form of participation in his life as well as a dependency not on the conditions he creates but on the ones that he receives (which is equivalent to random conditions). Things will depend to a great extent on whether Man has managed to tune himself to the activities he participates in and above all to the understanding of these activities. In other words what is important here is whether his brain is ready to actually follow, lead and represent the person.

All efforts bear results if they are expressed proportionately. However the development of proportionate efforts is an art that should be mastered at the age 18-30 so that Man does not fall victim to the random conditions of existence.

All governing laws here must be characterized by an understanding of these laws and not their fixation. The beginning of something always represents a part smaller than what this beginning should lead to. However if we do not have this small part, which can generate the larger thing, we actually do not posses the necessary condition for exerting control over the whole entity, because the small thing is the measure and the large one – the effort or the progression. Possessing an entity, if you’re not able to nurture it or progress in it, is equivalent to not possessing the entity at all.

Possessing something and not having the algorhythm for using it makes the entity irrational. The progression is the only thing that can reveal the entity and above all rely on it. The relationship can be build provided that we have the conditions necessary for one thing to rely on another. In the ideal case scenario, the entities should be equal, however this can happen only in a state of rest. In motion always one of them is larger and the other one is smaller.

The perfect ratio between the larger and the smaller is in fact the task of maintaining oneself in the tasks. The extreme and the median ratio (which is in fact the 60 degrees angle) represent the ability to transfer one effort in the field of another. Thus, in three-dimensional space we have a field of five efforts (the perfect number of space is a sphere described by a circle). If we draw an analogy with the human body, energy and mind, we can draw the conclusion that we live according to the laws of five efforts. If we do not develop and maintain them, the number of these efforts decreases and therefore one thing starts to develop at the expense of another.

In order to equidistance something, Man needs to first understand the five efforts. Understanding the five efforts creates the condition of the golden ratio or the ratio of experience, when our body, energy and mind are in a constant state of creation.

When developing the efforts we need to understand the connection between them: where and how one effort interacts with another. The effort is in fact the ratio between the measure and the force hidden in this measure. That is, the measure and the force are in fact the sides, and the effort is the diagonal.

In conclusion, development should always have a geometric construction. In this case it has dimension, and therefore rhythm. And if there is a rhythm, Man can build the algorithm of development, which allows him to constantly open and, most importantly, find new points!



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