Integral alchemy

XIII. Integral mathematics

Integral mathematics is a type of a configuration that allows us to develop the energy of the brain by means of numerical signs - the numbers.

It is a measurement system that allows us to operate with the mass, system and language of numbers. Integral mathematics is a type of a hidden cone which sets the direction of the calculus; it is a unique tissue of knowledge, which allows us to operate with atemproal indicators.

Integral mathematics requires from us on the first place to develop our brain functions to such an extent of their operation so that the brain can learn the nature of alchemy not in an esoteric, but in an exact way.

Integral mathematics is based on the laws of distribution of systems that allow the generation of energy, rather than on the principles adopted in the modern mathematical analysis.

To understand integral mathematics it is important to understand how to grow the system. In other words, it must be constituent for all that it generates in a given direction, which means that it doesn't just divide, but it multiplies. It imposes those mathematical concepts that need to be followed and it is not interested in explaining something that has neither form nor direction. It is conical and it is determined by the rhythm of growth and division, depending on the integral field, which means that it is initial.

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